Integrated Micro Finance Management System
Loan Portfolio Management
Unlimited number of Loan Products fully integrated with Financial Accounts
Parameterized Loan Product definition
Loan periodicity (weekly, Fortnightly/Bi-weekly, Monthly/Four-weekly, One-time, User-specific etc)
Flexible Service Charge Rate
Flexible Service Charge calculation Method (Flat Rate, Reducing Balance Method)
Service Charge Collection Method (Flat Rate, Reducing Balance Method)
Penalty / Re-schedule parameters
Loan Ceiling parameters
Auto Generation of Loan Repayment Schedule considering weekly and yearly Holidays.
Auto Generation of daily collection sheet at the opening of any typical day.
Tracking of loan aging and Loan Loss provision.
Strong Management of Loan Overdue, Advance, fractional installment collection etc.
Options available for irregular loan collection, Adjustment of Savings amount with Loan amount etc.
Saving Module linked with Loan Module